
God of the Details

What a wonderful Easter celebration we had. I pray that each of you celebrated Easter with a heart full of gratitude to our Wonderful Savior. As I pored over the gospels in preparation for Easter, I was reminded that our God is a God of the details. Each and every prophecy that had been proclaimed about the death and resurrection of Jesus was fulfilled - to the smallest detail. Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, the beating, the mocking, the gambling, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, the death, the resurrection, everything happened just as God had said -down to the tiniest detail. Let's just look at one detail - the sign posted on the cross. Seems kind of insignificant, doesn't it? John's gospel tells us that Pilate had a sign made that read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." He asked that it be written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek and hung on the cross with Jesus. When the religious leaders asked Pilate to change the wording of the sign, he dismissed them. This was the same Pilate who gave in to their plan to crucify Jesus, but on this issue, he stood firm. So, the sign was posted for all to see and all to read. Why? Because our God is into the details. In His perfect plan, God knew that this sign was one more way He would confirm to the world the authenticity of His Son. It was no accident that it was written in three different languages. Aramaic was the language of the Jews. Latin was the official language of Rome. Greek was the common language of the people in the Roman empire. Thus, everyone who gathered in Jerusalem that day would be able to understand what was written on that sign. What an awesomely deliberate God we serve! What He has said, He will do and He will do it completely. You don't have to worry that God has forgotten you or that He is leaving you hanging. No, be encouraged to know that what He has started in your life, He will finish (Phillippians 1:6) because that's the kind of God He is. He leaves nothing to chance. When He makes a plan, you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He will work that plan to fruition. He even makes sure that the smallest details are accomplished according to His will. Praise God that He is a God of the details!

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