
Record Attendance in Sunday School

We had a huge turnout for our Ladies Sunday School this past Sunday. What an awesome sight to see so many ladies show up to preview our fall Bible Study line-up. As one lady pointed out, having food didn't hurt our turn-out at all!! We are excited to be offering three different studies that will start this September. Our facilitators did a wonderful job of previewing our selections and now it's your turn to sign up. Sign-up sheets have been placed in the church foyer and will be available until the end of August. Our Sunday night study will be Elizabeth George's A Woman after God's Own Heart. It will meet from 6:00-8:00PM Sunday evenings starting September 21. Cindy Clark will serve as facilitator. On Monday nights starting September 8 we will have two studies running from 6:30-8:30PM. You can join either Staci Eldredge's Captivating or Beth Moore's Stepping Up. Cassandra King will facilitate the Captivating study and Gloria Stancil will facilitate Stepping Up. Call the church office at 770-867-8888 if you would like more information.


Dinner at Dominick's

Our Ladies Night Out for August will be Tuesday, August 26. Meet at the church at 6:30PM. We will enjoy dinner together at Dominick's in Lawrenceville.

Sunday, August 31

Our Ladies Sunday School class will begin the study, Lord, Teach me to Pray by Kay Arthur on Sunday, August 31. This is a dynamic five week study that you will not want to miss. Our Ladies Sunday School class begins at 9:30AM each week in the Fellowship Hall.


Sunday, August 17

All ladies are encouraged to join us during the Sunday School hour on August 17 as introduce our new fall Bible study offerings for women. We are excited to to offer several different evening studies this fall. Our facilitators will be sharing a little about each study and dates and times will be given. Light breakfast will be served. Sunday School starts at 9:30AM.