
True W-O-R-S-H-I-P

A couple of Sundays ago we started looking at the different facets of true worship. I came up with an acrostic to help us get to the heart of the matter. Now, this is by no means an exhaustive list of what worship is all about - in fact, it's just a starting point. I believe that we can use the acrostic to help us evaluate our worship.
I become a true worshipper when I:
W - Want Jesus more than anything else in my life (Matthew 6:33)
O - Offer myself as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)
R - Renew my mind with the Word of God (Romans 12:2)
S - Seek God's will above my own (Luke 22:42)
H - Hear God's songs of love over me (Zephaniah 3:17)
I - Increase my ability to see Christ (Isaiah 6:1 & Psalms 27:8)
P - Praise God even when I don't feel like it (Acts 16:16-34)
True worship is not just a "feel good" moment in church. It is choosing to tithe even when it looks like the money isn't there. It is moving out of my comfort zone when all I want to do is stay put. It is making the decision to turn off the "noise" of this world and get in the Word of God. It is fulfilling my responsibilities even though I am weary and feel overlooked and underappreciated. It is so many more things than this, but, I promise it is so worth it. Adopting a lifestyle of true worship will garner the attention of heaven. Remember, worship is not a means of manipulating God into doing what we want done - God forbid that we adopt that philosophy. Worship is about becoming more like Christ. Living in the center of His will, we will find everything we could ever want or need. Next week, we will look at the results of true worship in our lives....you don't want to miss that! Until then, become a true worshipper.
"Worship changes the worshipper into the image of the One worshipped." (Jack Hayford)


True Worship -- What is it?

Worship has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been away from my home church for a little while and as I go to other places and worship with other believers it really makes me ponder this "worship" thing. Different denominations worship in different ways during their church services, but is that really all worship is? I think not. Worship is a lifestyle and not something we do on Sunday mornings and maybe one other night a week. It is time for a spirit of worship to invade every part of our Christian life. Our individual worship should be so rich and so passionate that when we get together corporately the presence of God falls in a mighty way. Isn't that what happened in 2 Chronicles? When the people began to worship in true unity, the presence of the Lord filled the place with a cloud of glory. We will begin a look at the worshipping bride this Sunday. The bride that Christ is returning for is one that worships HIM with all her heart! Want to learn more? Check out our Sister to Sister class this Sunday morning. See you there!


Opportunities for Bible Study this Fall!

We are excited to be able to offer several evening Bible studies starting in August. Check back soon for official start dates and times, but look over the studies listed and prayerfully seek God about which one you should participate in at this time. You will be blessed beyond measure as you seek to draw closer to the Lord through the study of His word. On Monday nights, we will offer Beth Moore's updated Breaking Free. Facilitated by Sabrina Wales, this is an eleven-week course and is a great foundational course for those seeking to let go of the chains of the past. On Sunday afternoon, we will offer Love and Respect a study for married couples and facilitated by Bill and Cassandra King. We are not sure about which nights we will offer our last two studies but they are both by Beth Moore. Nancy Pennington will be facilitating When Godly People do Ungodly Things. This study is only seven weeks and is very timely for the days in which we live. We will also offer Beth Moore's Here & Now, There & Then. It is a study of the book of Revelation and will be facilitated by Lora Branam. You can find information about all of these studies by doing a Google search or going to www.lifeway.com.