
With Gratitude

We have just finished our seventh Women's Seminar at The Church at Winder, and I am still basking in the glory of God's love, provision, and care for His people. God truly met with us this weekend and I could never begin to name all the people who were such a huge part of this ministry outreach. I am truly humbled and honored to serve alongside all of you and I am blessed that God has placed you in my life. At this time, we have reached a fork in the road and are seeking God's wisdom about how to proceed. I have felt God's clear leading that this year was my last as director, but I am very excited about what God will do next. We know that God will continue to guide our women's seminars and use them to bring glory to His holy name. Join with me in praying for future fulfillment of this vision. I am grateful for each person God has brought into my life as a result of our seminar, but I am most grateful for the facets of my Lord that He has shown me as I worked diligently to honor Him through these weekends. As women, we must constantly remind ourselves that we are beautiful in His eyes. It is my prayer that our seminars have reinforced the truth of God's love to each woman who attended. I know that His word is true and that as you and I delight ourselves in Him, he will indeed give us the desires of our heart. Thank you to everyone who worked, attended, taught, sang, danced, and served, but most importantly, I am grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who made it all possible - falling in love with Him is the best thing I have ever done.